Hide your Desktop Tab in StoreFront for only displaying App Tab

If you want to present your users the desktops and the published apps in one pane you need to treat your dekstop as apps. You can do this with a small POSH command.
This allows you to have your published applications and your desktops in one screen and you don’t need to switch.

Run POSH as administrator

CD to …\Program Files\Citrix\Receiver StoreFront\Scripts

Run: Import-Module .\ImportModules.ps1

Afterwards run:

Set-EnhancedEnumerationOptions -siteId 1 -storeVirtualPath /Citrix/Internal -treatDesktopsAsApps $true
Set-EnhancedEnumerationOptions -siteId 1 -storeVirtualPath /Citrix/External -treatDesktopsAsApps $true

When you go back to your Storefront, it should look like this:


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