keyboard input error in Citrix when using IOS Receiver with IPAD


Customer environment: Enterprise with multiple Servers on Windows 2016 and Citrix XenApp 7.13


In a provisioned customer environment in France we had the Problem, that when a Desktop was open with Ipad over Citrix Receiver for IOS the user had the problem that the keyboard layout was wrong. So for example you typed AZERTY you always get QYERTW.
The user saw FRA in Systray and Word was also configured for french. None the less they get the problem.


After a few up and downgrades from Citrix Receiver and VDA versions, we set following registry key which solved our :

  1. To enable the feature, toggle on the feature by using registry editor regedit on the VDA.
  2. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Citrix, create the CtxKlMap key.
  3. Set the DWORD value of EnableKlMap = 1
  4. Reboot your VDA and test.

The problem occured because the service CtxKIMapHost.exe wasn't there.
As soon as you see the the service running in your session, you know the fix worked.
The error is fixed in VDA 7.16 and according to our supporttechnician also for 7.15. Why we get the error in 7.15 couldn't been resolved


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